Sunday, February 8, 2015

20 Ways To Keep You Slim And Increase Fitness

Who doesn’t want to keep her/his body slim? Hope that you also want to keep so and have a fit body. Let’s share 20 tips to keep you slim. If you abide by these tips, you must have a control on your body weight and even you’ll get slim day by day.

No.1. Take body weight every week same day same time that’ll make you alert mentally and help to control on your body weight.

No.2. Take exercises those adapt your body instead of all the exercises in the list and do it regularly. Avoid the sauce taken from market, it contains lots of sugar.

No.3. It is needed to do exercise at least a bit. If you are busy too, you can do it just 20 minutes daily. You can have a walk outside or walk on the roof.

No.4. You can take a bit of exercises after a while of dinner. You can have a walk after two hours of dinner.

No.5. Dieting is needed, but never starve for dieting. Don’t take too much time between meals. Make a habit of four/five healthy meals daily.

No.6. It’s no need to take sugar more than two spoons. So, avoid more than two spoons.
No.7. Eat timely just by the clock. It’s required to keep our digestive power active.

No.8. Take every meals of the day, don’t avoid any meal. Most of us ignore breakfast, but we should not keep our belly blank for a long time. It decreases the power of metabolism and increase body weight.

No.9. As most of the job holders work sitting at the desk, so they should be careful on taking the total amount of calories daily. For females, it shouldn’t be more than 1500 calories and for male, it should not be more than 2000 calories. If it’s more, they’ll suffer of obesity.

No.10. If you get hungry before the meals time, drink lots of water as well as take lots of fruits.

No.11. Buy dieting biscuits. Eat sweets, drinks, cake etc only once a week.

No.12. Remove animal’s fat like red meat, dalda etc from your food menu. When you are eating meat, avoid skin and fat.

No.13. Don’t eat more milky foods like butter and cheese. You can take it twice a week.

No.14. Make a habit of taking two cups of green tea daily.

No.15. Avoid fried foods, but you can take it once a week.

No.16. Eat carbohydrates (potato, rice, bread etc.) as much as you can. It’s very effective for healthy body.

No.17. Try to take heavy breakfast, slight heavy lunch and slight dinner. Eat nut, fried rice, fruits, and dieting biscuits etc. as snacks.

No.18. Turn your eating plate to smaller size and don’t take food two times. Make a habit of taking food in your plate at a time.

No.19. You must have to take a cup of salad and less spice containing cooked vegetables each time of lunch and dinner.

No.20. Keep away smoking materials. Don’t take bear.

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