Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How To Lose Weight Fast : 10 Proven Health Benefits Of Low-Carb Diets

There was no proof; but people believed that low-carb diets would raise cholesterol and increase the risk of heart diseases as it contains high fat. Fat-phobic health professionals and the media demonized these types of foods. Lots of controversial were on low-carb diets for decades.

But time has changed and there are lots of studies and evidences on low-carb diets. It was conducted over 20 human studies on low-carb diets since 2002. Almost every study has shown that these diets are ahead comparatively to other diets.

It loses weight more and leads to improve the other risk factors including cholesterol also.

The following 10 health benefits of low-carb and ketogenic diets are evidence based.

1. To Kill Your Appetite
Do you know why most of the people feel miserable and eventually give up on their diets? It’s hunger which has a worst side effect of dieting.

There are lots of studies on low-carb diets that it leads to reduce appetite automatically, when the people cut carbs and eat more fat and protein which supply them fewer calories more.

Different studies show also that low-crab diets are even better than low-fat calories restricted diets comparatively.

Due to take in fewer calories more with low-carb diets, appetite goes down and the day ends up with eating fewer calories automatically.

2. To Lead to More Weight Loss
Low-carb diets are the most effective diets and simplest ways to lose weight fast. Lots of studies have compared low-carb diets to low-fat calorie restricted diets and showed the better result for low-carb diets to lose weight more. They lose 2-3 times more weight than the low-fat calorie restricted diets eaters without being hungry.
One of the main reasons is that low-carb diets make lessen insulin levels to get rid of excess water from the body, and then the kidneys start shedding excess sodium leading to lose weight fast in the first two weeks.

But the problem for most of the people that they give up on the diet after few months and eat the old stuff, and then the weight starts creeping back up. 

The only way to have success on this problem is to take low-carb diets as a lifestyle, but not as a single diet. As time is changing and some people are taking it understandably and adding some healthier carbs also consistently.

3. To Lose the Abdominal Cavity Fat

All the fat in the body is not the same type and the effects on health and risk of diseases depend on where the fat is stored. In general, the fat locates under the skin is known as subcutaneous fat and the fat locates in the abdominal cavity is known as visceral fat. 

Visceral fat is more harmful for health which tends to store around the organs.

In the Western countries, it is believed that fat of the organ areas drive inflammation, leads to drive the metabolic dysfunction and resists insulin.

Low-carb diets reduce the harmful abdominal fat effectively as well as drastically reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes over time.

4. To Tend Triglycerides to Go Way Down
Triglyceride is a combination of fat molecules which is a strong risk factor for heart disease. How much triglyceride is there in the blood after an overnight fasting is known as fasting triglyceride. Triglyceride elevates due to carbohydrate consumption especially the simple sugar fructose. But when you eat low-carb diets, you will tend to have a very dramatic reduction in blood triglycerides. On the other hand, it goes up sometimes due to low-fat diets. 

5. To Increase Levels of HDL Cholesterol
It’s not good to refer High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) as good cholesterol as all cholesterol molecules are different in nature.

Both HDL and LDL are the lipoproteins that control the blood cholesterol level. HDL carries cholesterol away from the body to the liver where it can be reused or excreted and LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body.

If you make higher of your HDL level, you will have a lower risk of heart disease. And you can increase your HDL level eating fat and low-carb diets which include lots of fat.

No surprise on low-carb diets that it increases HDL levels dramatically, while low-fat diets tend to increase moderately or even go down sometimes.

The HDL and triglycerides ratio is another strong predictor of heart disease risk. If the ratio is high, your heart disease risk will also be high. Low-carb diets have a significant improvement on this ratio to control.

6. To Reduce Blood Sugar and Insulin Level
In the digestive tract, crabs are broken down into simple sugars mostly glucose and these sugars enter into the bloodstream to elevate blood sugar levels.

The high blood sugars are toxic and a hormone named insulin responds to the body cells to bring the glucose into the cells and start storing or burning it.

The insulin tends to minimize the blood sugar with a view to preventing it from harming only for the healthy people.

Many people have major problems with this system. Insulin resistance is the cells can’t see the insulin or it is harder for the body to bring the blood sugar into the cells.

The disease type 2 diabetes is very common for most of the people; about 300 million people are affected worldwide which may occur when the body fails to secret enough insulin to lessen the blood sugar after meals.

Actually there is a very simple solution to this problem. Both blood sugars and insulin go down if you cut carbohydrates.

Dr. Eric Westman has treated many diabetics just using a low-carb approach; he reduces their insulin dosage by 50% on the first day.

In one study on type 2 diabetics, it is shown that 95.2% reduced or eliminated their glucose lessening medication within 6 months.

It’s very important to talk to doctor to adjust your dosage to prevent hypoglycemia if you want to make changes to your carbohydrate intake when you are on blood sugar lowering medication.

7. To Tend Blood Pressure to Go Down
Elevated blood pressure or hypertension is responsible for many diseases like stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and many more.

Low-carb diets lead to reduce blood pressure effectively as well as reduce the risk of these diseases to live longer.

8. To Have the Most Effective Treatment against Metabolic Syndrome
The metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms that is highly associated with the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • Low HDL levels
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Abdominal obesity
  • High triglycerides
  • Elevated fasting blood sugar levels

But there is good news that all the symptoms drastically improve on low-carb diet. But still it is unfortunate that major health organizations and govt. recommends for low-fat diet, which is totally useless because it can’t address the underlying metabolic problem.

9. To Improve the Pattern of LDL Cholesterol
LDL which is exactly Low Density Lipoprotein, is referred sometimes to as the bad cholesterol. High LDL is highly responsible for the risk of heart attacks. But the risk of diseases attacking depends on the types of LDL matters as all of them are not equal.

The risk of heart disease depends on the size of the particles, the people who have mostly large particles, have a low risk of heart disease while the people who have mostly small particles, have a high risk.

The low-carb diets actually help to tend to turn the LDL particles from small into large as well as reduce the total number of LDL particles floating in the bloodstream.

10. To Have Therapeutic for Several Brain Disorders
There is a truth that glucose is necessary for the brain, some parts of the brain can burn only glucose. If we don’t eat any carbs, liver produces glucose out of protein. 

Ketones can be also burnt by a large part of the brain that is formed at the time of starvation or low intake of carbohydrates.

In many cases, the ketogenic diet can cure children of epilepsy. In a study, over half of children on a ketogenic diet had 16% of the children became seizure free and a greater than 50% reduction in seizures.

There are lots of studies running on very low-carb/ketogenic diets for brain disorders as well as for Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

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