Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How To Lose Weight Fast : A Very Effective 3-Step Plan To Lose Weight Fast

We know lots of ways to lose weight much within a very short time; but most of them are unsatisfied ways through hunger. You must have iron willpower; otherwise hunger will definitely hinder your plans and you will give up it very soon.

The 3-step plan is very effective for the followings:

  • To make you lose weight fast, without being hungry.
  • To help you kill your appetite.
  • To help you improve your health at the same time.

Step – 1: Cut Sugars and Starches from Diets
Do you know that insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body? Sugars and starches are the types of foods that stimulate to secret insulin high. If insulin goes high, it becomes difficult for the body to burn fat. But, when it goes down, fat gets enough time to get out of the stores and the body starts to burn fat instead of carbs.

It also has another benefit that when insulin gets down, kidneys start to remove out excess sodium and water from the body that reduces unnecessary water weight.

It’s common to lose weight up to 10 pounds by eating the diets with very low or no sugars and starches.

A study showed the following graph on a comparison of obese/overweight women who ate low-fat and low-carb diets.

The low-fat diets group was calorie restricted and hungry, while the low-carb diets group ate until fullness. 

Eat the low-carbs diets, make lessen your insulin secretion and automatically start to eat low calories without hunger.

So, the result comes that if you remove sugars and starches/carbs from your diet, you will have lower levels of insulin and lower appetite to make you weight loss without hunger.

Step – 2: Eat Fat, Protein and Vegetables
You should eat your meals including a fat source, low-carb vegetables and obviously a protein source. You will try to keep your carb intake range of 20-50 grams a day.

Sources of protein:

  • Eggs – Pastured eggs or omega-3 enriched eggs etc.
  • Meat – Pork, bacon, beef, lamb, chicken etc.
  • Seafood and Fish – Shrimp, trout, lobster, salmon etc.

Protein boosts metabolism by 80 to 100 calories a day. High protein diets make you so full that you automatically eat 441 fewer calories a day; it also reduces food obsessive thoughts by 60% and desire for late night snacking by half. Protein is called the best micro-nutrient to lose weight.

Low-Carb Vegetables:

  • Spinach
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Lettuce
  • Cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Swiss Chard
  • Celery
  • Brussels Sprouts
  •  Kale
Are you afraid with this list of low-carb vegetables? You can eat massive amounts of low-carb vegetables without going over 20-50 net carbs a day.

There doesn’t have any physiological need f grains in the diet if you have a meat and vegetables containing diet which contains all the vitamins, fiber and minerals that’s required for a healthy life.

Sources of fat:

  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Tallow
  • Lard

You may eat 3 meals a day, but if you feel hungry in the afternoon, you can add another meal that time.

Are you afraid of eating fat? If you are afraid of that you will feel miserable and give up the plan.

It is better to use coconut oil as a cooking fat which is highly rich in fats named Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs). It can boost metabolism slightly and very healthy. It also makes lower the risk of heart disease.

You will take in 20-50 gram carb range and drastically lower your insulin levels if you eat your meal with an assemblage of a low-carb vegetable, a fat source and a protein source.

Step – 3: Exercise

If you don’t want, you have no need to take exercise for weight loss. Because though it is recommended, it is optional on this plan.

It’s better to go to gym around 4 times per week. You will worm up yourself, lift weights and stretch. If you are a new comer to the gym, take a list of exercises from your trainer.

When you will lift weights, your metabolism will boost up and you will burn a few calories. You will gain also muscle besides losing weight.

You can do also some easier cardio workouts like swimming, walking, jogging or running which also have a significant effect on weight loss.

Other Weight Loss Tips to Speed Up

If you want to speed up your motivation, you can do the followings which are very effective for health benefits and weight loss:

Eat Eggs for Breakfast: You will feel full for the next one and half days and lose around 65% more weight if you replace your grain-based breakfast with eggs.

Drink Water: If you drink a half liter of water half an hour earlier before meals, you will eat fewer calories and lose 44% more weight.

Sleep Optimum: Poor sleep is a strong risk factor for obesity and weight gain, sleep up to the optimum of 7 hours.

Eat Viscous Fiber: Glucomannan helps to lose weight from the belly area.

Drink Coffee or Tea: Green tea and black coffee are very effective to boost metabolism.

Use Smaller Plates: Use smaller plates and eat less. It’s a trick but works better.

On this plan, you can eat good healthy foods until fullness and still lose a ton of fat. Hopefully, you will have better result with these tips. 

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